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Electrical/Lighting > Wire > Nm. W/Ground, Building

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Item Size
14/2 WG,NMB,WIRE,250' 28827455     14/2x250'
12/2 WG,NMB,WIRE.250' 28828255     12/2x250'
10/2 WG,NMB,WIRE,250' 22829055     10/2x250'
14/3 WG,NMB,WIRE,250' 63946855     14/3x250'
12/3 WG,NMB,WIRE.250' 63947855     12/3x250'
10/3 WG,NMB,WIRE,250' 63948555     10/3x250'
8/3 WG,NMB,WIRE,125' 63949202     8/3x125'
6/3 WG,NMB,WIRE,125' 63950002     6/3x125'
NM-B Cable
  • Romex TJ non-metallic sheathed cables have a board usage range as defined in Article 336 of the National Electric Code.
  • Rated for 600 Volts for continuous operating temperatures of 90° C and may be installed either as new wiring or for rewiring for both exposed and concealed work in normally dry locations in one or two family dwellings, or multi-family dwellings and other structures not exceeding three floors above grade.
  • May be installed or finished in air voids and joints, and in masonry block or tile walls that are not exposed or subject to excessive moisture or dampness.
  • Not to be exposed to corrosive fumes or vapors; embedded in masonry, concrete, fill or plaster; run in shallow chase in masonry or concrete or covered with plaster or similar finish.
  • Not for use as service entrance cables, in commercial garages, in theaters and assembly halls,(except as provided in Section 520-4 of the NEC) in motion picture studios, in storage battery rooms, in hoistways, in any hazardous location, or embedded in poured concrete, cement or aggregate.
  • Solid.
  • With ground.
  • Available in full cases only
Description: 10/2 Wg, Nmb, Wire, 250' 22829055
Item#: 8805-2905-2
UPC: 032886163104
Price: $264.99 / RL
Available: Call for In-Store Availability

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Watkins Tractor & Supply
501 S Pacific * Kelso, WA * 98626
360-423-7220 - Email: joe@watkinstractor.com